Creating Our Class Treaty
Since the beginning of the term, the 5Stars have been designing their class treaty. To support them with this, they have been participating in team building, group and independent learning and of course - camp! All these experiences have provided them with opportunities to reflect on the WWW (What Went Well) and EBI (Even Better If), so they can make informed decisions about their class treaty.
In small groups, the 5Stars discussed ideas that they felt were important for our class treaty. The groups then shared their ideas to see what was the same, similar or different. These ideas formed our our first draft.
After returning from camp, we revisited the first draft. The groups looked for similar ideas in the first draft that could be grouped together and categorised. Some groups used the GEMS to help guide their decision making in the sorting process. Afterwards, they then thought carefully about the phrases in each group - which ones needed to stay and which ones could be deleted? As a class, we listened to each group's ideas and eventually came to an agreement on which phrases we valued the most. Our treaty statement began to emerge...
We will 'live' with this statement for a few weeks, to ensure that we are all confident that it reflects who we want to be and what we want our learning environment to look like. In the meantime, we have each crafted a 'name strip' that will be woven with others to signify our unity.
Here is our completed class treaty which is now on display in our classroom. We will use it as a reminder of who we are and who we wish to be.