Tuesday, 10 September 2019

Fitness Rotations

Every Monday and Friday the year 6’s and the year 5’s do fitness rotation for 15 minutes. They work hard to complete a series of activities. 

They do:
  • Chest expansions  
  • Half jacks
  • Jumping T’s 
  • Flutter kicks 
  • High knees

These series of workouts are completed with music for motivation. Some of the exercises are hard for some - like the flutter kicks. 

🠛 Here are some photos of our fitness time 🠛 

Reporter: Alex
Photographer: Alex

Tuesday, 3 September 2019

A Maker Space

Last week on Wednesday afternoon, Room 5 became a maker space. Our choices were coding with Makey Makey, Lego construction, Fathers' Day cards or creating on Merge Cube. We had a fantastic time problem solving, collaborating and communicating.  I'm sure that many of the 5Stars can't wait until their next Maker Space hour!