Friday, 24 May 2019

Giant Walk

Today, Rooms 5 and 9 walked with the rest of Sunnyhills School to Snakes and Ladders Park which is beside the Tamaki River, on the Rotary Walkway.  This was one the activities as part of our Travelwise Walk to School Week. We did this to help encourage more people to walk instead of drive their car.  This helps to reduce the number of cars on our road which results in safer roads for children - and also decrease climate change.

Our buddies are five-six year old and new to Sunnyhills.  Some are crazy, some like to sing and others are chatterboxes.   Here's what we found out about our buddies while walking with them:

  • Energetic and amazing - Josh
  • Loves to dance and he's from the Philippines - James
  • Likes to run away from me and I had to catch up with her - Mandy 
  • Likes to talk and laughs a lot - Stella
  • Is really funny and enthusiastic - Max Ma
  • Doesn't talk much - Grace
  • Is very quiet - Jerry
  • Knows how to tie her shoelaces - Peyton
  • Is an engergiser and wouldn't let go of my hand - Evie
  • Likes to chase his class buddy - Henry
  • Shy, but energetic - Emma
  • Doesn't know how to stop talking - Alex
  • Loves transport - anything that moves - Jacob
  • Kept hanging onto my hand like I was a piece of gym equipment - Hannah
A 'Giant' line of walkers on the Rotary Walkway


  1. Thanks Room 5 you were amazing! Our small people talk a lot about their big buddies:)

    Regards Mrs Edmonds Room 9

  2. This was a great giant walk with our buddies. What was your favourite part? Mine was when my buddy was talking about what she liked at school.

  3. Great to see you getting to know more about others at Sunnyhills. The Giant Walk was a lot of fun in so many ways!
